by Reddy Prasad (Admin)

Data contributes a lot to data-driven organizations. Data is scattered all over the place, locked in different systems making it difficult for the analysts to analyze the same and provide valuable insights to the companies. It is the data accumulated at one place which proves to be beneficial for the enterprises. The data accumulated at the same place delivers a 360 degrees view of important information about sales, customers, marketing, products, etc to the organizations.

Data migration acts as a significant component of data management and is the key to gaining 360 degrees view. It is the Saras – the third-party solution helping the organizations implement the data migration practices and thus, gaining the consolidated view of the business allowing it to unlock the full value of the migrated data.

In this guide, we have mentioned everything that an organization needs to know about data migration- its meaning, types, and process.

What is meant by data migration?

Data migration is basically a process in which data from one storage system is transferred to the other system, file format, or storage. The data migration process might seem simple to you but it’s not. This particular process involves preparing the data, extraction, and transformation of the data. Usually, organizations conduct data migration when new systems or processes are introduced in the businesses.

What are different types of data migration?

Data migration is classified into six main types which are explained as follows:

  • Storage Migration:

Storage migration is the type of data migration where the data is migrated by the organization from one storage location to the other. In simple words, it can be said that data is migrated from one medium to the other. The reason why storage migration takes place is the upgrading of out-of-the-date storage systems to more sophisticated modern storage equipment. Normally the content or format of data is not altered.

  • Business Process Migration:

Business process migration is the type of data migration that involves moving the business applications and data on the business process and metrics to the latest environment. The business metrics can include information related to the products, customers, and operations being carried out in the organization. The reason why business process migration is implemented is business optimization, mergers and acquisitions, and reorganizations.

  • Database Migration:

The database is the storage media where the business data is stored in a structured and organized manner. It is the Database Management System (DBMS0 that manages the databases. Therefore, it can be said that Database migration is the type of data migration that involves moving from one Database Management System to the other or updating the current version of DBMS to the latest version. In case different data structures are used by the former source system and target system then it can be challenging to shift from one DBMS to the other.

  • Application Migration:

In case of application software is updated or application vendor is changed, the organization needs to undergo application migration. It is the type of data migration that involves moving data from one computing environment to the other. A new application platform may require radical transformation because of the new application interactions after the data migration. In case different data models and formats are used by the old and new target infrastructure, then it can be challenging to implement application migration.

  • Data Center Migration:

Datacenter migration is the type of data migration that involves migrating the data center infrastructure to the new physical location or moving the data from the old data center of the organization to the new data center at the same physical location. The data center act as the data storage infrastructure maintaining the crucial applications of the enterprises. It basically includes storage devices, routers, systems, servers, switches, etc.

  • Cloud Migration:

Cloud migration is the type of data migration that involves moving data or applications from an on-premises location to the cloud. Data can also e moved from one cloud environment to the other. The IT experts are continuously witnessing an increase in cloud migration and forecast that the majority of the renowned enterprises will be operating on the cloud before the end of 2030. It is estimated that by the end of 2024, the cloud will attract more than 45% of IT spending and dominate IT decisions.

What is the data migration process?

It is essential to prepare a seamless and efficient data migration process to make sure that it does not go over the budget of the company. Following mentioned are the steps involved in the data migration process:

  1. Pre-migrating planning: In this step, the existing data is evaluated for stability. Source and target system must be analyzed. The budget should be prepared. It is to be decided whether the big band approach or trickle approach is to be used. Any potential data problems are to be spotted.
  2. Inspecting the data: The scope of data in terms of quality, anomalies, conflicts, and duplications is to be inspected. In case the volume warrants it then software applications can be used to clean the data.
  3. Data backup: In this step, the data being migrated is backed up in case there is migration failure. This step helps to eliminate the risk of data loss.
  4. Migration process design: When preparing a migration process design you need to consider migration testing procedures, acceptance criteria, and other personnel responsibilities. IT specialists, systems, or business analysts are also to be hired.
  5. Executing and validating the process: Now it’s time to execute the data migration. The time taken to complete the migration depends on the volume of data that is being migrated ad the chosen data migration approach. Also, is important for the organization to monitor and validate the process.
  6. Decommission: The old system is shut down and decommissioned.

Final Thoughts!

When thinking of implementing the data migration in your organization consider using the saras as a third-party solution. It will help migrate the large volumes of data to another storage location without the requirement of IT or Data engineers. Also, the saras monitoring tool will monitor the entire process to see data migration process is being carried out according to pre-defined guidelines.

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