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What are the best AHA moments?

What are the best AHA moments?

by Reddy Prasad (Admin)

You know your product’s value proposition so well as a product manager that you could repeat it in your sleep. However, the finest product leaders consider that value from the user’s point of view. They understand that value isn’t always clear, and that you should constantly collaborate with users to help them realise it. That’s why identifying the aha moment is critical to the success of your product. Do not forget to note down the AHA moments examples to enjoy the time and share it in future.

How to locate the “aha” moment for your product

When a consumer initially subscribes to your product, they seek for ways in which it might be useful to them by addressing a pressing need. They usually have some concept of what this value will be—if your marketing and communications are good, they’ll be aware of your key value proposition and eager to try it out.

The aha moment occurs when something clicks for a user and they understand how much they can benefit from your software. Users may consciously recognise this time, or it may occur subconsciously. In any case, the aha moment is the tipping point that transforms an assessing user into an active user—and it’s frequently what distinguishes those who remain around from those who eventually go.

Begin by looking for trends in your user analytics data.

Whether you utilise your own analytics platform or incorporate a third-party tool like Fullstory, Mixpanel, or Heap, you should pay close attention to what distinguishes converted customers from the rest of the crowd. Is it true that the users who converted:

  • Have you completed your onboarding process?
  • After the product tour, do you want to keep exploring your app?
  • Do you want to interact with a fundamental feature?
  • Do you want to connect with other users?
  • Make a list of 10 to 20 behaviours (or a combination of behaviours) that you feel are associated with users that are retained. You’re seeking for a collection of behaviours that users who stay display rather than behaviours that users who depart exhibit.

Add user feedback to the mix.

To reinforce what you’ve already learnt from the statistics, go out to top consumers for qualitative input. Users can tell you why there is a link between certain activities and retention if the data demonstrate it.

For example, your analytics may show that customers who remain around are more likely to utilise both the chat and calendar features. However, when you really talk to the consumers, you’ll discover that the most important advantage for them is easy team scheduling. Instead of pressuring customers to use these two services, you may help them schedule their first all-hands meeting. Speaking with users provides context, allowing you to better understand the motivations behind their behaviours.

Users who have been churned can teach you a lot.

You may learn from people who churned early—those who never reached their aha moment—just as you can from those who stayed. These are users who didn’t find your product valuable, despite having had the same user experience as the people who stayed. Churn is a misfortune. It’s also a chance to figure out what went wrong.

Users churn for two reasons: 1) they’re not a good match for the product, or 2) the experience was too frustrating for them to discover value. If it’s the latter, this is your chance to pinpoint and eliminate the source of friction so that more of those churned users return.

Personalize your user’s aha moment.

Knowing which activities or events in your product cause aha moments can help you design more personalised onboarding experiences. You’re no longer bound by a single experience that you’ve been mindlessly improving for your whole user base. Instead, you may customise a journey for different categories of customers, such as marketers, engineers, or CEOs, or based on subject matter knowledge.

Get consumers to aha in a shorter amount of time.

Sign-ins, several screens, installations, and videos—the more you need a user to grasp before they get an aha moment, the less likely they are to stay for it. That’s why many SaaS solutions allow you to try out a few functions before you reach a snag.


If you can bring people to an aha moment before forcing them to submit credit card information, agree to Terms of Service, or even log in, go for it! If you don’t have to fence the aha moment, that moment of activation will work to your advantage. Examine how Airbnb grants you access to all of their listings before requesting personal information thi is one of the finest AHA moments examples.

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